Thursday 31 December 2020

Homecook Bat Kut Teh 自煮肉骨茶

今天是2020年12月31日,也今年的最后一天,希望一切不美好的可以过去,迎来新的一年。今早到附近的迷你市场买了排骨,香菇,豆卜,蒜头,肉骨茶料包,所以就动工来在家自煮了便宜又美味的 肉骨茶。 


Saturday 26 December 2020

Persimmon 柿子


 柿子 (英文:Persimmon,马来文:Pisang Kaki)

柿子的外表与颜色看起来和砂劳越的一种土著 / 拉子茄子(Terung Dayak / Terung Asam)很相识。都是浅橙色。柿子,是柿科植物浆果类水果,成熟季节在十月左右,果实形状较多,如球形、扁圆、近似锥形’方形等,不同的品种颜色从浅桔黄色到深桔红色不等,大小从2厘米到10厘米,重量从100克到350克。原产地在中国。
哇,好大粒的土著 / 拉子茄子(Terung Dayak / Terung Asam)
未成熟的土著 / 拉子茄子挂在满满刺的树上

Friday 25 December 2020

Western Foods 西餐

 古来住家炸鸡扒店的外观。 大家可以来试试这家刚从住家搬过来的各种西餐。
蘑菇酱鸡胸肉,一份RM 9

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Friend Come From Far Away 有朋自远方来

Visit the mural at Kelapa Sawit, Kulai
Take the photo together in front the mural 

The 3 Dimensional Model of Lei Cha (雷茶)
Lei Cha (雷茶)  : Rice with various vegetables
Hua Guo Shan Temple (花果山庙) is located at Sedenak, Kulai

Pluto Village view

Thursday 10 December 2020

Homemade Sambal Pastes 自制参岜酱料


Sunday 8 November 2020

Homecook Lunch (Mee Hun Soup) 自家煮午餐 (米粉汤)

2020年的新常态,因为新冠肺炎疫情的原故,所以减少外出,自家煮午餐 (米粉汤)也很美味又健康。材料:以江鱼仔熬的汤头,鸡胸肉(用麻油和薯粉腌制),鱼圆,油菜,盐,胡椒粉

Saturday 31 October 2020

Homemade Breakfast (Black Sesame Paste) 自制早餐 (黑芝麻糊)

Home made breakfast (Black Sesame Paste)
I use this mini wall breaking machine to made the black sesame paste. This machine is buy from Shoppe. Price : RM 140

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Homemade Spaghetti 自制意大利面

今天没到外头享用午餐。就自己下厨烹煮番茄酱意大利面。煮法还算简单。不过意大利面需要耐心的汆烫直到软。 汆烫时间大概是需10分钟,在汆烫意大利面的当儿,就可以准备其酱料的配料。

Kimball 牌子的意大利面

Kimball 牌子的意大利面酱料

Thursday 28 May 2020

Buy Fruits during Movement Control Order (MCO) 在行动管制令期间购买水果

The fruits shop

A lots of fresh fruits like dragon fruit and pineapple

 Very fresh fruits such as watermelon, honeydew and papaya

Non-durable fruits are stored in the fridge

Thursday 27 February 2020

Lorong Panggung (Kwai Chai Hong) at Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡鬼仔巷

Kwai Chai Hong is currently the best-kept secret — but perhaps not for long — of the Chinatown area in Kuala Lumpur, with the lovingly-restored pre-war buildings in the history-rich lane set to be the latest tourist hotspot.

Lorong Panggung in Kuala Lumpur.

The main entrance of Lorong Panggung.

The beautiful mural at Lorong panggung.

The beautiful mural about "Landlady" at Lorong panggung.

The beautiful mural about "couple" at Lorong panggung.

The beautiful mural about "calligrapher" at Lorong panggung.

The beautiful mural about "a man play erhu" (二胡) at Lorong Panggung.

The beautiful mural about "kid playing marbles" at Lorong Panggung.

The shoplot selling various kind of traditional junk food.

The shoplot selling various kind of traditional junk food.

The shoplot selling various kind of traditional junk food.

The beautiful mural about "Hainam Kopitiam" at Lorong Panggung.

Take picture infront the main entrance berfore leave Lorong Panggung.

The beautiful mural at Lorong Panggung.

The lanterns at Lorong Panggung.

The colourful stall.
 The most popular restaurant "Ho Kow Hainam Kopitiam" near Lorong Panggung.

Friday 21 February 2020

Most Famous Claypot Chicken Rice in Kulai 古来著名砂煲鸡饭

Located at No 18, Gerai MPKu, Batu 19, Jalan Raya Kulai Besar, 81000, Kulai, Johor

Restorant New Century (新世纪砂煲鸡饭)
Claypot chicken rice with salted fish and sausage (After stirring)

Fresh and sweet old cucumber pork ribs soup